A little out of place.

Some things look better out of place
While some do not.
Strangely, it’s we who look at things.
Things never look like we want.
It’s we who question our imperfections,
And our own truthfulness,
And tell ourselves if our existence
Is admirably right
Or terribly wrong.

So, if you’re asked to change your thoughts,
Because, to someone, they don’t seem to fit in or be your own,
I’m pretty sure you won’t
For real minds never do that.
I hope you know they don’t.

And I also hope that you’ve heard
That the best thing you can ever do,
Is, at all times, be your own true self.

Although when I look at my thoughts,
I feel that,
They look better out of place.

For real minds say that being true doesn’t mean you always have to make perfect sense.

Sometimes, it’s okay to be out of place.

I haven’t been posting regularly or checking other people’s posts due to a couple of stupid reasons. Because of this, I’ve lost a good portion of my audience.

I hope you guys don’t absolutely abandon my blog.

46 thoughts on “A little out of place.

  1. Sometimes, it’s okay to be out of place., this is whats happening to me, wise poem, who inspired you to write you? You poems so calm and peaceful makes me feel good, it is still morning day so i starting my day with your poem❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve been learning certain things recently and so, to sum up some of my thoughts, I wrote this.
      That’s a very sweet comment, Ilona. Your comments made my day! You are a beautiful human being ❤
